Wednesday, November 27, 2013


This journey is lifelong helping ourselves and each other all around the world to be all that we can be.  We can all accomplish our dreams for freedom and opportunities.  That includes aiding our immigrant brothers and sisters in pursuit of freedom, peace, happiness, and opportunities as well.  Nobody should be forbidden to enter America or excluded from making positives contributions to this nation.  When immigrants from around the world live amongst drug wars, lack of job opportunities, religious prejudices, socialisms, they long to live in the land of the free.  America is historically that land of the free and that is true still today. 

 So, we have hopefully opened our Twitter accounts and we are following the forerunners of our cause.  In this community it is mental well-being in order to accomplish our goals.  We are not isolated as an American community striving to own our own businesses.  We are multicultural and in this context, we embrace our immigrant brothers and sisters who are fighting to enter America.  No matter how far we trace America’s history, America was discovered and built by immigrants.  So we have to support Immigration Reform to continue building and strengthening America.

In our journey to become small business owners, we can stay in a position to support Immigration Reform and understand what immigrants are enduring in order to become United States’ citizens.  In “The Christian Post” newsletter, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC), started a 40-day fast intending to gain enough supporters to end what is currently a broken immigration system.  The Forty-Day Fast Campaign Fast4Families needs all of our help to fix the broken Immigration Reform with the passage of new legislation in Congress.  There are many events planned around the nation to keep this Campaign spreading.  Please visit the Newsletter and support Immigration Reform.  Sign up for the Newsletter to stay current on the legislation and ways you can continue to stay involved.


Remember that participating in this fast may be very challenging for many due to the side effects of anti psychotropic medications.  These may increase your appetite.  Maybe adjusting your eating with fresh fruits and then one healthy and balanced meal will be alright.  However, you should check in with your doctor before attempting a full fast.  Let’s definitely help spread the word on social media that we support Immigration Reform!

We having been working hard with Obamacare and it is really progressing well!  As we continue with enrollment efforts, we have to also outreach to immigrants in America more.  Persons and families who came from nations stifled by extreme poverty, devastated by drug wars, religious prejudices, and /or socialism, desire and deserve to make his/her/their dreams come true.  As we pursue our dreams, we must support them in reaching theirs.  It begins with Immigration Reform.
 As I read about the terrorists and crimes of a select group of persons, I imagine there is cause to be concern.  However, when I read what is in the Immigration Reform bill (H.R. 15), I am encouraged that it is the brotherly thing to do.    Immigration Reform would bring down barriers preventing legal recognition of many immigrants.  These are immigrants who are regarded as living in the ‘shadows.’  Once these immigrants can come out of the shadows, they can obtain civil rights and liberties.  This is as long as these immigrants have not had guilty charges against them for domestic violence, drunk-driving, gang activity, fraud (passport), identity theft, or misdemeanors.  What’s more is that Immigration Reform will include Homeland Security changes in the Southern border.  There are so many benefits to Immigration Reform that we must stand in support of it.  Subscribing to The Christian Post will allow you to keep daily or weekly updates on the Progress of this bill and campaign events.

Remember the talents, skills, knowledge, wisdoms, and traditions of our grandparents and theirs that contributed to building America.  We each have a dream in this land of the free and opportunity.  This recovery opportunity is for everyone past, present, and future.  We can do this!

Lastly, many college students in America already are immigrants.  They have studied hard in order to contribute to America.  They also need healthcare because they fall into the age bracket of 18 to 34.  A mixed population of young adults in this category are required by the Affordable Care Act to purchase health insurance if they do not already have it.  I read in a recent article that an immigrant student discussed the possibility of returning to her native ‘home’ if she becomes seriously ill.  Immigrants should not have to feel this way.  Immigrants should feel that America is their home.  In this regard, home should be the place where you can receive citizenship, affordable healthcare, a job with opportunity to advance, live without religious persecution, and obtain a good education. These will become the stepping stones to middle-class.  The middle-class has always been the strength of strengthening America.  Immigration Reform supports the recovery of America’s economy.

Now, when we consider that this mixed population is also a high risk population for developing a mental illness, we especially want to encourage reducing unnecessary stressors for them while raising awareness about purchasing health insurance.  College students, including Immigrants, take on a lot of responsibility as they mature and go into their careers that will contribute to building a strong America.  We even have to encourage students in high school as they plan to attend college or a vocational school, the students already in college, and the students about to exit college, etc.), that their investment in having a good education should lead them to also invest in their health by purchasing healthcare.  Immigration Reform is an assurance that America appreciates their investment and desire to become recognized as a legal citizen who can feel free to receive affordable healthcare and that includes mental healthcare as well.

This is the best season to have these types of talks with college students returning home for the holidays.  It is a grand opportunity to consider how important Immigration Reform is needed in America.  College students are focused on hanging out with friends and having that much needed break from studies.  We understand that, but as parents and leaders developing into business owners, we must, must ensure that they enroll in Obamacare if they are uninsured.  Remember, progress has been made with website glitches so allow a morning to enroll before the hustle-bustle begins.  Another suggestion is to complete the paper application and mail it in as soon as possible to avoid deadlines.  Applications can be downloaded from  They can be mailed to Health Insurance Market Place, The Department of Health & Human Services, 465 Industrial Boulevard, London, KY  40750-0001 after completion.  A Healthcare Community Counselor can be located by calling (855) 642-8572 to assist with completing enrollment forms. 

Another wonderful thing about Obamacare that many immigrants (persons and families) may not know or understand is the Bronze Plan option that is recommended at a projected cost of $50.00 per month after subsidies.  The Bronze Plan is available in over 30 states.  According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Medicaid is also an option for anyone eligible.

So, we all want to continue to promote the enrollment into Obamacare and we want to encourage the Fast4Families Campaign in supporting Immigration Reform.  The partisan efforts of obstructionisms (blockades, barriers, etc.) cause confusion and anxiety for uninsured young adults.  We have to stand together against these strategies and stay focused on strengthening America and embracing mixed populations which is what H.R. 15 will do!

Happy Holidays,
See ya next week,

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Invisible Journey 15

This journey that winds around a long day or week stretches you in many areas and especially during so much stress with the Healthcare Exchange criticisms DAILY!  We did it, though.  We wrapped up another call with the Team and President Obama took time to speak to us.  He offered words of encouragement and appreciation and who could help but notice that warm smile of his?  I loved the little pearl pin, too.


So, we are grateful for Obama For America (OFA) for realizing that we can be a part of building towards this nation’s success in our own unique ways to support the President’s agenda.  In return, this supports our dreams.  Our dream years ago, was to overcome what we faced in the healthcare industry and then help others overcome, too.  We did not accomplish that overnight we know and enrolling every American in one day won’t happen.  However, we keep helping each other one by one get enrolled and we use alternative means to do so.  When we advocate, we divide up and work towards that one thing we all want for all mankind and not just a few.  This mission of brotherly love spreads into every corner of the country.  Let me digress long enough to say that when I began to see life through the eyes of my disabled son, and other children, it was scary.  Through my youngest son’s eyes, there were ‘safety net’ programs that assisted in many ways with medical costs.  However, our family still was forced into bankruptcy because of ‘pre-existing condition and 'caps.'’  My other children and myself skipped over healthcare because there was no insurance to help and we had no money for prescriptions anyway.  These barriers are no longer distractions to living healthy and prosperous with Obamacare.


Now, fast forward and understand why we all pulled together from various corners of the nation and worked very hard to get the Affordable Care Act passed into law.  The church community prayed and encouraged Believers not to give up and the Lord heard us and blessed us with the ACA.  It’s not evil, as I read somewhere.  When we receive a car for a blessing, we still have to wash it, gas it up, keep up the maintenance, etc.  The same with a home.  We do not throw our hands up and walk away.  Amen, Amen?  I am trying to keep this all in context, too.  We went from a society of using name brand drugs to generic brands because we understood what we could and could not afford.  We have to transfer those same principles to enrolling our family members, seniors, church members, co-workers, etc. into affordable healthcare.  We share information with them at events, parties, dinners, fellowship and remind them about mailing applications in.  The internet is still frightening too many people.  When they hear about all the criticisms (night/day, etc.).  They put off enrolling.  We want to help ease the anxiety of those people, particularly, and remind them, “You can mail an application in like you would have 5 years ago.”  Then tell them how.  Show them how.  Applications can be downloaded from  They can be mailed to Health Insurance Market Place, The Department of Health & Human Services, 465 Industrial Boulevard, London, KY  40750-0001 after completion.  A Healthcare Community Counselor can be located by calling (855) 642-8572 to assist with completing enrollment forms.  Many, many churches have healthcare ambassadors or healthcare fairs and they are opportunities to enroll into the Healthcare Exchange with assistance for all members who do not have health insurance.  If you do not need health insurance, let these experts tell you that.  Relax.


The goal is to encourage the uninsured that Healthcare Insurance is necessary and it is not a punishment.  It is ideal.  It is wonderful!  It will be a blessing!  This is wisdom from those who testified about living without affordable health insurance.  Prayed about it.  Cried about it long before the media grabbed hold and then the political mud-slinging began.  The testimony of those who experienced a mental health crisis without health insurance and were financially devastated with no means to buy prescriptions, food, repair credit, etc. one way or another.  This is about a population of persons who wanted and needed to the end the shuffle from institutions or thrown into homeless situations.  The real concern is not; ‘Oh, no, another kink so I do not need it.”  The real concern is that people, families, friends, desire better and deserve to get what they need and fought for.


So, we can do this in our communities by taking advantage of what is working and build it up.  We have to push because many families still do not have computers in the home as well.  Invite people over for dinner and Healthcare Enrollment.  Make a visit to the local library, or the Community Healthcare Locator office.  What about if a church in your neighborhood is having a health fair including enrollment, but it is not your home church?  Trust me, God will forgive you ... just get enrolled!!!  Smile.  Create solutions through partnering in your community to enroll young adults, uninsured adults, and families.  Sponsor enrollment tournaments.  Include Obamacare enrollment at your holiday charitable events and always remember the homeless.  Oh, the possibilities are endless.  amen, Amen.


Now, there are many changes coming up and the holidays are basically upon us already.  The holidays are stressful.  The change in daylight is stressful.  Building a business is stressful.  These are all triggers of starting your own business that throws brain chemicals off balance.  Naps, rest, healthy eating, quiet time, a confidante, and exercise are all key to balance in a storm.  You have to focus and push and remember you are not alone in the storm. 
Learning social media is wonderful!  I actually learned it several months ago at BSU with Pam Perry and I am now applying it.  Follow Me’ as they say.  Smile.  Eventually, we will all be tweeting together.  I am already meeting some great like-minded people.  WOW!  Remember I talked about continuous learning in our industry a while back?  Well, if we cannot afford attending conferences,, workshops, etc., just yet, there are lots of online solutions.  Currently, I am reading and about to enroll in an academy to further development of my business while attorneys go over the bylaws, articles of incorporation, etc.  We never give up!


So, if you are not tweeting yet, go to and open your account.  The instructions are simple as far as selecting a user name and a password.  Then you get your own little bird!  You can upload an image of yourself or business brand.  Type in key words to find people, places, and causes.  Invite friends from your e-mail contacts/address book (be selective).  This should include, of course, the industry of your business.  Don’t forget your friends so information can be ‘retweeted’ which is like forwarding mail as usual.  Some main information resource pages include:  The White House, NAMI-MD, and Bipolar/Depression communities.  Bring national topics of your industry down to your community level in your unique way!  Tip:  Promote yourself and business in social media by taking time to read other tweets, blogs, and articles.  Then reply and retweet.  This builds your relationships for connections and support and vice versa.  You can link your blog to your Tweets.   If you use FB to promote your business, etc., do NOT mingle it with your normal FB page that we all started and invited millions of people we did not know.  Keep it small and unique to your business brand.  We want to build intimate business relationships.  I’ll be looking for you all, too.  Smile!

I also want to share something I picked up on in this Obamacare blizzard of sorts.  I needed a little space away from the traffic.  My therapist actually suggested it.  “All bloggers do.”  When I updated one of my blog spots, I realized I had no idea what movies were out, what good books (ugh), and I missed a few of my favorite tv shows -- and after I cried and wrote out a list, I stretched and spoke the word, "Awesome!"  I had been feeling so obligated and overwhelmed and allowing unnecessary stressful triggers.  It was like pushing for Healthcare Reform in 2009 all over again!  Please do not get me wrong or misunderstand, but it has helped to do just that -- step away from the highway traffic.  Point:  Build and enforce your ‘my’ time and get away from the traffic.  No matter what industry, enforce it!

Last thing, I am going to be blogging just once a week for that reason and taking other needed steps.  I am still using the alarm thingy M-F, but freelancing on weekends/holidays.  And this Christmas, will be...a very special Christmas.......for me;)

See, ya next week,