Wednesday, July 24, 2013



WOW! Time is slipping away so fast.  I’ve been on vacation to get my business fine-tuned.  It’s been more like a sabbatical and I still need about 10 more days…WHEW!


Alright, often I find peace knowing that when an invisible mental illness reminds you to take time off and regroup, those who know your disability will visibly judge you, but you just do it!  For example, they may discourage you from your goal saying things like:  "I knew he couldn't handle it."  Funny how a 'normal' person will be encouraged in the same circumstances, "You work so hard.  You deserve a break."  So, be sure to surround yourself with like-minded persons who will encourage you especially when those overwhelming days come.  Meditate.  The love of our Creator directs us to the goal He purposed for us.  (Can you see 1 Jn. 4:16 in the image above?). 
That gave me time to think about many back-up plans for the business as well.  For example:  if I am in need of a day or two for regrouping, what will happen to the business?  Of course, a back-up person needs to be trained in all matters to step in.  Deadlines are deadlines so working from home will still mean working from home, but more in a supervisory role for that day or two.  So, also, a separate business banking account needs to be opened to handle the loads of revenues and to write those checks to pay bills.  While on vacation, I learned about Dun & Bradstreet (“DB”).   This is the business credit reporting agency.   Basically, you open up a business account and use it strictly to pay your business bills (i.e., utilities, materials, inventory, products, services, etc.) and deposit your revenues.  A credit scoring system will be used similar to the personal credit-rating companies such as Equifax.  Of course, you want to keep this account in good standing because it will reflect your business’ credit worthiness.  This will also determine how other businesses decide if they wish to do business with you and it is a source for potential customers, clients as well.  D&B is a great incentive to keep all things in decency and order.


Uh-oh, my alarm thingy is beeping (Glory!).  That means that it is time to tell you that even if you are not quite ready to start your own business, you can check out DB and see if there are industries that match your business interests.  You can use that report to make decisions about operating a similar business.  Maybe visit the business if you can, learn more about the industry.  DO business with them if you can.  How would YOU rate their service or product for our community?  Maybe share some insights with the business owner or management and while you are it, do they have an apprenticeship opportunity?  Hmmm….


As I look back over my life, I think today about how my diagnosis had me chained to visible stigmas and stereotypes to the point that I was too embarrassed to tell people I wanted to own  my own business one day.  I felt obligated to stay in the mold of other people’s expectations.  This is not to say that persons with disabilities should not work or demean their work at all.  Just trying to say that we have abilities despite disabilities and the sky is the limit.  amen, Amen?  AMEN!

Did you know the “Ticket-to-Work” Program can be used to start a business?  Let’s discuss that next time, but research what you can by visiting (I love giving out homework…teehee).

Now, I have not forgotten about those flags.  Smile. 

See ya soon,

Tuesday, July 2, 2013



Whew!  Where did all the time go again?  If you believe you are “normal” than everything goes as planned, but if you live with a mental illness it seems that the road is a winding one.  And that’s alright.  The best thing I learned is that when the curves come, the speed bumps, and unexpected storms, just be still and start again tomorrow whenever tomorrow comes.  The most important thing is that you do not give up and return to hiding under that heavy security blanket.


So, I am still using this amazing alarm thingy for EVERYTHING!!!  When I reflect back on some years ago working towards recovery success, I am reminded of teaching middle-school students.  It was tortuous at first getting in front of a room of youth and allow them to be who they were right along with  their insults about you.  However, quickly I learned to adapt to the role leader and exercising self-control.  It helped me in my recovery to be productive and contribute in a valuable  way.  It helped me to show those young impressionable minds how to respect persons they would have otherwise poked fun of.  In fact, youth tend to poke fun at everybody so it also helped me learn to brush off those insults and not take it personally.  That was growth for me to move farther away from dark days.


Now, I am still getting ready to plant some flags on this site and hopefully do some real catching up over the 4th of July weekend.  Since this is the Independence Day weekend, We will kick off with a trip to the Small Business Administration to be sure no one is using that precious name we chose for our business.  Then we will file the official Form to register the business name which will cost $75.00 in Maryland.  If you have not decided on a name yet, stick with your own name right now and avoid frustrations with trying to use Ben & Jerry’s.  For some reason, they won’t allow that.  Hmmm...


See ya soon,