Tuesday, September 24, 2013



Staying committed to your destiny in the face of tragedies or adversity is quite a challenge. However, it can be accomplished with diligence and our Creator.  The Creator has a way of shielding when you ask Him to.  Like going into a cave or shell and staying there until He says, go forth. 

This is what I was thinking about after learning about the Navy Yard tragedy, too.  It was time to go inside my shell and just hang out with my Creator.  But He would not let me.  Daggonit!  He said, “Get right back out there and get cracking, young lady!”  (Smile).  This is the attitude we must take when we recognize that the current news event is causing us to become discouraged and our dreams become negatively affected.  We can imagine all sorts of bad things when this happens (panic, anxiety, fear) to cause us to give up!

Ok, I love revealing parts of my life to help others so check this out:  about 20 – 25 years again after becoming diagnosed with a mental illness, I decided to go back to work.  I was assisting my boss with a workshop on poor self-esteem.  At the workshop, everything somebody shared about his/her life, I interpreted as an attack on me.  By lunch time, I told my boss something about being sick, etc. and left.  I was fuming mad at everybody for picking on me (not violent).  Later that evening my boss called to see what happened to me.  I explained that folks were picking on me at the workshop.  He asked, “Who?”  I told him everybody who attended.  He said, “They don’t even know you from adam or eve.  Are you taking your medications?  It was a self-esteem workshop.  They weren’t thinking about you.  They got issues of their own and were asking for help to be like you (get where you are, etc.).  I apologized and promised it would not happen again.  When I got off the phone, I was embarrassed and began sinking even deeper into depression.  Long story short, I had to quit the job (or be fired).  Truth be told, it was not time for me to work and not in that type of setting until I became stronger through mental health treatment to discern separating issues of others as not being attacks against me.  It took about three years to get there.

Remember the school kids?  Well, that was my next big job.  When they called me Bipolar and then I ran into another teacher in the restroom while I was balling my eyes out?  Well, after that day, I learned to tell the kids "Everybody is Bipolar so get over it and sit down and do your work before I write you up!"  That was growth in comparison and a whole heap of love! [I didn’t quit and the name-calling stopped].
See ya soon,


Staying committed to your destiny in the face of tragedies or adversity is quite a challenge. However, it can be accomplished with diligence and our Creator.  The Creator has a way of shielding you when you ask Him to.  Like going into a cave or shell and staying there until He says, go forth. 

This is what I was thinking about after learning about the Navy Yard tragedy, too.  It was time to go inside my shell and just hang out with my Creator.  But He would not let me.  Daggonit!  He said, “Get right back out there and get cracking, young lady!”  (Smile).  This is the attitude we must take when we recognize that the current news event is causing us to become discouraged and our dreams become negatively affected.  We can imagine all sorts of bad things happening to us (panic, anxiety) when this happens to cause us to give up!

Ok, I love revealing parts of my life to help others so check this out:  about 20 – 25 years ago after becoming diagnosed with a mental illness, I decided to go back to work.  I was assisting my boss with a workshop on poor self-esteem.  At the workshop, everything someone shared about his/her life, I interpreted as an attack on me.  By lunch time, I told my boss something about being sick, etc. and left.  I was fuming mad at everybody for picking on me (not violent).  Later that evening my boss called to see what happened to me.  I explained that folks were picking on me at the workshop.  He asked, “Who?”  I told him everybody who attended.  He said, “They don’t even know you from adam or eve.  Are you taking your medications?  It was a self-esteem workshop.  They weren’t thinking about you.  They got issues of their own and were asking for help to be like you (get where you are, etc.).  I apologized and promised it would not happen again.  When I got off the phone, I was embarrassed and began sinking even deeper into depression.  Long story short, I had to quit the job (or be fired).  Truth be told, it was not time for me to work and not in that type of setting until I became stronger through treatment to discern separating issues of others as not being attacks against me.  It took about three years to get there.

Remember the school kids?  Well, that was my next big job.  When the kids called me Bipolar and then I ran into another teacher in the restroom while I was balling my eyes out?  Well, after that day, I learned to tell the kids "Everybody is Bipolar so get over it and sit down and do your work before I write you up!’  It wasn't long before the name calling stopped.  That was growth in comparison and a whole heap of love! [I didn’t quit.] 

See ya soon,


When we live with a disability, we are often subject to restrictions to use our talents and gifts freely.  This is so true when income matters.  If we can turn that situation around, we can use those talents and gifts to support ourselves and break free of those restrictions that sort of limit our choices in life. 

That was one of the major discoveries I had when I decided I need to grow into my own business.  The cost of renting a place and food and gas and PRESCRIPTIONS was out-pacing the monthly benefit income.  Believe it or not, I wondered about those persons needing the same resources, but could not access it for one reason or another.  It was just so time for getting it done. 

When I published my book, it was so personally rewarding.  I heard a lecture about leaving your legacy in words so the world know you were here.  Those words left an imprint on my heart.  I was going to make people remember I was here.  Smile. 

Now, we're taking it up a notch because we can all do it our way using our talents and gifts.  Ok, duty called and I was on a major consulting opportunity.  I promise to check in later in the week so we can talk about the SBA webinar scheduled for September 12, 2013, at 2 p.m., EST.  did everybody register?


Wow.  It’s like a death in the family of some sort.  You don’t see the relative, but you know him/her.  There is a common maternal link that bonds you.  Mental illness.  His eyes may be blue and yours, brown, but you are relatives nonetheless.  You have not seen him/her since grandmother died in the upstairs back room, but then you get that phone call one day.  There’s been a tragedy and the relative is gone.  Then the details begin to tell the story about why nobody saw him/her for a while.  You learn about innocent people who became victimized by that thing we keep telling people to trust us about.  It only gets worse because the ground we stood on cracked somehow.  Daggonit!


So, we are faced with a tragedy committed by a member of our family and we are at a loss for words, maybe?  I dunno.  What I do know are the mixed emotions that must have ran through all of us:  hurt, pain, anger, how? Why? When will this gun thing end for everybody?  Emotions are mixed when you work so hard to tell society we can live normal, productive lives with treatment ,and recovery.   It's still true, but somebody seems to have just that and still there is a tragedy.  (I don’t know all the details… just pondering from headlines, blurbs, skimming).  I just want to know one thing:  when will this gun violence sTOP!  Now, let me first say that my condolences go out to the Navy Yard victims and their families and to the assailant as well because he, too, was a victim. 

Then I want to say that gun violence does not discriminate.  It does not discriminate.  It does not discriminate!   We fight the good fight to tear down stigmas and stereotypes andI heard a phrase – ‘friendly fire’ – happens. 

Well, I know it happens on every battle field, but it saddens me and even hurts any way.  Where does the mental health community go from here?  Do I take down my shingle and return all this pretty pink stationery?  Do you get back under your security blanket and let your destiny collect dust?  HECK NO!  We continue the good fight because while people may say, “told you so,” or “na-na-nana-na…,” millions of us in recovery are the demonstration that good sound treatment works!  We are products like everybody else affected by societal ills such as gun violence and legislators who will not take responsibility to take control of the poison affecting you, me, and them (everybody:  children, ‘normal’ people, etc.).  Thus, we are just one more demonstration that (1) mental illness is NOT the epidemic killing people in massive numbers, but weapons are.  They are too easily and readily assessable and couple that with all the ingredients of the poison (movies, gun stores, (assault weapons), wicked songs, gangs, irresponsible leadership, bad laws, etc.), anybody and everybody can become a tragic headline whether it be in the work place, strip mall, school, or even what should be the safest place; the church. 

All over the world, anybody can turn on the news and there is gun (weapons) violence.  History tells us that sooner or later it will hit home (any home) like the drunk driver or bullies.  The Navy Yard tragedy is one more way for society to learn and grow through this experience.  We continue to advocate for mental health treatment, community living, recovery successes, the American Dream!  The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) continues to be the leadership towards that end.  And we stay in the race as they say, too! 

Guns (assault weapons) and violence are out of control in our nation.  We have as a society lost the strong value of morality.  We keep giving our children weapons to play with either on videos, video games, entertainment movies, songs, birthday parties, etc.  We give teenagers unlimited, unsupervised access to harmful technology.  Guns (assault weapons) can be purchased way too easily and authorities know it.  I’m talking civilian here, of course.  The military will certainly review policy and procedures, but just imagine an outbreak of malaria.  If the disease is never arrested, the contamination spreads uncontrollably.  Does the disease care that it is feasting off millions?  No.  I digress long enough to say that as long as the weapons are available as they are; anybody and everybody will, and can, gain access to them just like malaria until the weapons are under lock and key with legislative enactment, etc.  It won’t totally solve the problem, but it will save thousands upon thousands of lives analogous to the way a vaccine for malaria does.

Recovery is a challenge we each obtained through hard work, discipline, and mental wellness maintenance designed specifically for us individually.  While this tragedy is perhaps leaving a little discouragement in your mind or a co-worker who insist on jokes at the water cooler, rest assured that a few may laugh, discourage you, etc., but the majority stands firmly behind you.  Get busy putting that shingle back up and let’s go!  (I hope I’m the only one using pink stationery… I didn’t mean to let that slip … shucks!).
See ya soon,

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Hey everybody!  How are we doing with our businesses?  Everybody who attended today’s Affordable Care Act webinar, raise your hand.  (I love saying that…).  Well, I attended the SBA free webinar on the Healthcare Market Place.  "Obamacare" officially goes into effect on October 1, 2013.  There will be some changes for small businesses and big businesses in operation already with a minimum of 50 employees.  In comparison, there will be little for Sole Proprietors (or the Self-Employed) to do at this point unless we are running out the gate with 50 or more employees.  (snooze!)  That is probably not likely so I’m going to focus on us and what I was reminded about in the fight for passing the Affordable Care Act (ACA).



First, everyone here who worked night and day to get this thing passed, stand up and take a bow! Glory!  Oh, the stories we will tell our grandkids and theirs.  I remember rising in the pitch black morning and trekking down to DC, then returning in the night to attend an online town hall meeting and then blog all over the world.  Who needs sleep when the passion is so strong to create history?  I declare Cap N’ Crunch cereal (w/berries, of course, ...:)) sales toppled those months.  And oh, my God, remember the snow blizzard in the DC Metro area?  Then I was fast asleep when one of my colleagues called and said, “It just passed.”  We were so exhausted by then!  Our Team Leader was such a diligent disciplinarian – “…you need sleep?  Says, who?”  I looked at the fluffy-white snow still piled high on the window sill outside and was like, “What?” (LOL).  And my colleague said, “Healthcare Reform, silly.”  I tried to play it off and was like, “Oh, I heard.”  I could not open my eyes and barely lift myself off the bed to my knees (I actually fell…) when my colleague said, “Umm, I think we are witnesses to a miracle.”  You need to look that up.  “Ok.  Tomorrow.  Promise,” I answered.   (click-up).

WOW!  Ok, so here we are approaching another big moment in history on October 1, 2013.  For the Sole Proprietor (Self-Employed/Individual), we do not have to really do much; however, we do like to stay ahead of the game and prepare as much as possible.  Sole Proprietors can shop in the healthcare market place for insurance carriers in October, but we are not obligated to officially find an insurance carrier in the healthcare marketplace until January 1, 2014, and no later than March 2014.  This means the shopping doors for us open January 1, 2014 online, by visiting certain agencies, or by phone and we must make a selection of an insurance provider by March 2014.

Other important information for us at this time is that the ACA is responding to the top concerns of the small businesses who were paying 18 percent of the healthcare costs.  This was more than big businesses paid.  So, we can look forward to lower healthcare costs as we grow our businesses.  This means lower premiums for our businesses, fewer choices/obstacles/barriers, elimination of the denial of coverage to our employees who may have pre-existing conditions (and ourselves), and even for seniors who pay more, too.

The best news, even though it is upsetting many, is that insurance companies must pay 80 percent of actual consumer premium dollars on actual medical care costs.  They also must disclose and justify proposed rates of 10 percent or more and state and federal government may reviews proposed changes.  These are key consumer safeguards to keep healthcare affordable.

So, we can still research on our budget for healthcare so that on January 1, 2014, we are prepared to obtain affordable insurance if it applies to us.  If we have Medicare or Medicaid, there is no need to do anything, but when we no longer qualify for those benefit programs, we’re ready!  For example, if we find coverage best for our needs at $95.00 a month, we need to plan a time in the budget when we will be saving $95.00 to make the transition into the healthcare marketplace before we lose our Medicare benefits for earning too much, etc. etc.  We need to discuss this thoroughly with our counselor in the Ticket-to-Work program for planning purposes as well. 

Now, there was great information shared on today’s Small Business Administration’s Healthcare Market Place webinar for the Small Business Health Options Program or S.H.O.P.  S.H.O.P. opens officially online on October 1, 2013, and is the healthcare insurance portal for small and big businesses employing 50 or more employees to ‘shop’ for, and choose, a healthcare provider for their business to offer to their employees.  For more information about S.H.O.P., visit Business USA, or SBA.

It’s almost (snooze) time for me to go, but I just had to share this wonderful story about a new business catering to the needs of the disability community.   I salute those persons who brought this idea to manifestation.  It is living proof that, yes, we can!

Visit:  http://www.jsonline.com/business/new-west-allis-clothing-store-to-cater-to-people-with-disabilities-b9992536z1-223062021.html

See ya soon,