Wednesday, October 2, 2013


There is no way to turn back the hands of time and that is a wonderful thing!  Even when the bad days come to pass and the strife seems unbearable, we hold on to what the future holds.  Now we celebrate a major victory of finally opening the doors of Obamacare and the GOP slams (partially) the government doors shut!  Oh, the irony of it all as somebody once said.


So, we know the trickle-down effect of shutting down the government.  Many persons will be adversely affected.  Should we be starting our own business in this season?  Absolutely!  We do not turn back.  We will not be bullied.  We have waited far too long and we followed the rules when The Affordable Care Act was passed and when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld it!

We extend compassion, hope, and outreach to those affected by the government shut down without regard to race, religion, creed, disability, etc. because we are still all in this together.  We stay the course because this is our test of faith.  There will be bumps, but they smooth out.  When Food Stamps first started a million years ago, there were bumps and resentment, etc.  Nobody likes welfare and handouts.  Everybody likes to feel self-worthy.  Having our own business is our opportunity to shine because we know a Savior who turned our lives around with recovery.  Our Creator has the glory and it cannot be taken from Him by bad politics. 


So, be sure to view the SBA Small Business video scheduled for Thursday, October 3, 2013, at 2:00 p.m., EST.  There are so many thoughts and emotions running through my mind right now, but the one prevailing thought is to also attend the NAMI-MD State Conference (great workshops scheduled on recovery), celebrate Mental Illness Awareness week, and to provide whatever feedback we can to keep the Obamacare Market Place as bump-less as possible in the next few weeks.  Did you know you can apply for a scholarship to attend the State Conference!  We need the continuing education so we need to be there every year.  I cannot wait to see everybody!

Please lift up our brothers and sisters or fellowman or neighbors, whatever you want to call them who have been furloughed.  This is a very painful and emotionally frightening time for many persons who have homes, families, bills, etc.  This shut down must end as soon as possible!  We have to push the GOP with Action Alerts!!!  A sudden loss of a job can be the onset of a mental health condition.  Having said that, review the symptoms mental illness to refresh yourselves so that if you notice these symptoms in family members or friends, you can be of help:

Depression/Chronic Depression if not treated can lead to a more serious mental illness;
The lack of energy, sudden change in appetite (eat more/eat less), sudden periods of crying for no reason; reckless behaviors, unexplainable pain, sudden use in recreational drugs/alcohol, anger, fear, worry, debt, hopelessness, or increase in same; sexual promiscuity, isolating oneself that last for two weeks or more are reasons to make an appointment with your doctor and be seen for a mental wellness check-up!   

Comments/drawings and thoughts of suicide should be taken seriously!  When this is happening with someone in your family, household, community, church, etc., contact Suicide Prevention Lifeline immediately!  1 (800) 273-8255.

See ya next week,

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